Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Great smoky mountains-God's beautiful creation..

Its Saturday early morning 5.o clock we woke up, Getting ready to visit smoky mountains located in North Carolina,Tennessee.. After finishing our prayers we started at 7 o clock as planned. As this is the fall season, Not only the smoky has its colors.. The way itslef welcomed us with is bright colors.. the color combination's by the nature mother is gorgeous.. No words to Explain the beautiness of the colors created.. What a different color types they are !! velvet leaves,golden leaves, even the person who named the colors cannot name those different kinds of colors.. !!!!!
Not only the leaves and tress , small mountains ,river, everything.. I guess the birthplace of So called paintings are from here..!!!!

Okay back to the story..
There sky was cloudy and was raining little... We reached Gatlinburg were we booked the hotel , went in and had a liitle rest.. We could take rest for much time .. the smoky tempted us to see her colors.... After bearing a heavy traffic., We could see some water falls,caves and some animals ...Employes at the vistor center gave us the valube information and some maps.. to show the directions inside smoky.. We went to Smoky mountain which is tallest in land level... Travelling the way we could see the water flow coming with us ..the water flow had a boundry of red ,yellow like brilliant coloured trees.. which looked like a painting.. we travelled along with the curve roads .. after 15 miles very near to the top we could see a thick layer of fog.... very cold , wearing 3-4 winter wears ,We walked through the trail .. but we couldnt see anything because of the fog.. we sadly returned back to gatlinburg ., Walked through the streets in gatlinburg.. Its a great oppurtunity to see more and spend more.. there are some shows games, winch , top of mountain golf and musems over the street.. like replieys haunted house,guniess world record,museum,candy shop, dining in restaurents and much more, after enjoying we reached our hotel at 11 pm .. the next day mornig we planned to visit cape cod loop.. Its a histroric visit and oppurtunity to see more beautiful scenes, animals etc.. bear comes occasionally .. the loop was 11 mile ..i would say that no body should miss that .. while entering the loop we can see the mountain carriying the differnt coloured trees . words cannot express the beauty of scene .. we can see horses on left and white tailed deers or right...
After some time if we wish we can stop our car and have a pleasent time sitting on the grass observe the beauty of gods creation.. we can also see some turkeys.. . We can see the fog/mist playing hide and seek with its vistors by hiding in between the mountains.. After finishing the loop there is a picnic spot where people enjoy their food with friends and family.. They say that some tribes from virgina have been settled here..
After these visits there is a place called pegion forge its the way to come out/go in to smoky.. for atleast 10 miles they entertain the vistors by have the different gaming stalls and shops.. they have the helicopter rides too for few bucks... there are go cart for kids../adults. dining restaurnts, lodging hotels like marriott etc.. skydiving, magic quest.. what not... on the hole smoky provides a bunch of happiness to each and eveyone in the family...

(img:1 visitor center where you can as information about
smoky & pick some valuble coupans located 30 mils apx from smoky)

(img:2 way to smoky)

(img:3 water following us)

(img:4 cape cod loop view)

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